API.Google.GeminiGoogle Gemini ML client APIs (-lib gemini)
API.Google.Gemini.CorpusGoogle Gemini corpus APIs (-lib gemini)
API.Google.Gemini.TuningGoogle Gemini support for tuned models (-lib gemini)
API.OllamaOllama client APIs (-lib ollama)
API.OpenAISupport for OpenAIs models and assistant and general APIs (-lib openai)
API.OpenAI.AudioSupport for OpenAI audio APIs (-lib openai)
API.OpenAI.ChatSupport for OpenAI chat APIs (-lib openai)
API.OpenAI.TuningSupport for fine-tuning models (-lib openai)
CollectionGeneric collection framework (-lib gen_collect)
Collection.TupleImmutable tuple classes (-lib gen_collect)
Data.CSVProcess and perform calculations on CSV files (-lib csv.obl)
Data.JSONSupport for parsing JSON strings and documents (-lib json.obl)
Data.JSON.SchemeSupport for e JSON Schema metadata (-lib json)
Data.JSON.StreamSupport for JSON stream parsing (-lib json_stream)
Data.XMLSupport for parsing XML documents (-lib xml)
Database.ODBCDatabase access support via ODBC (-lib odbc)
EncryptionProvides encryption and encoding functionality (-lib encrypt)
Game.Framework2D gaming framework that uses SDL2 (-lib sdl_game)
Game.SDL2General SDL2 wrapper (-lib sdl2)
Query.RegExRegular expression engine (-lib regex.obl)
Query.StructuredSupports processing of semi-structured data (-lib query)
SystemCore system classes
System.APISystem API Bundle
System.ConcurrencySystem support for threads and runtime concurrency
System.DiagnosticsSupport for basic code diagnostics (-lib diags)
System.IOProvides I/O functions
System.IO.FilesystemSupports filesystem operations
System.IO.NetProvides network support
System.IO.Net.OAuthOAuth client (-lib lib)
System.IntrospectionAllow programmers to introspect the runtime elements
System.MLMachine learning and data science routines (-lib ml)
System.TimeProvides support for dates and times
System.UtilityVarious support utilities (-lib misc)
Web.HTTPWeb client support (-lib net)
Web.HTTP.ServerWeb server support (-lib net)
Web.RSSProvides support for RSS (-lib rss)